Invention: Break Free from the Culture Hell-Bent on Holding You Back
The universe’s Inventor designed us like he did the world: with passion and precision and purpose. He made us for confidence and significance, joy and relationship. He made us to be part of something massive and majestic—to contribute to his work of remaking this world and to play vital parts in his Kingdom. But we have a vicious enemy, hell-bent on thwarting us. Our enemy spins lies that convince us into distraction and dependence—on alcohol, drugs, pornography, success-at-all-cost.
But Jesus said, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (MSG, John 10:10) He said that about us.
Invention is an invitation to join a band of renegades and revolutionaries, change-makers and troublemakers—men who won’t be daunted, because they know there is more. It’s a guide for living, finally, with depth and purpose. It will expose the lies that obscure God’s intent, and will help reveal His design for your life.
Odyssey: Encounter the God of Heaven and Escape the Surly Bonds of this World
Modern men are experiencing unprecedented levels of angst and anxiety. We’re frustrated, stressed, burned out, and bored. We turn to work and wealth, busyness and distraction, alcohol and drugs and pornography. But none of it works. Because only one thing will bring us the joy, peace, purpose, and significance we desire: a relationship with the God of heaven. An intimate relationship, one that is real and true.
But for that kind of relationship, we must embark on a journey to encounter Him personally.
In his new book Odyssey, Justin Camp offers a practical, scriptural field guide for men who are ready to walk this ancient path. The book is built around six short biographies, real-life stories of great American astronauts. These nano-histories will engage readers’ curiosity and inspire them to undertake epic quests of their own.
This book is for scouts and prospectors, for explorers and pilgrims. It is for men who want to experience more and a better life than any of us ever thought possible.
Rescue: When God's Cavalry Arrives to Deliver You from Quiet Desperation
This generation is struggling—mostly alone. Fear and pain are everywhere. And yet most of us, especially men, forget or forgot what’s available and intended to help us survive and even thrive in these evil days: authentic Christian community. In Rescue, Justin Camp reminds guys that God put his Spirit into their hearts so they would come out of isolation to support and sacrifice for one another. This third book in the life-changing WiRE series explores:
Why the myth persists that “real” men don’t need each other
How vulnerability is the only path to becoming hearty, rugged, good men
Practical wisdom for starting worthwhile spiritual communities
Scattered, men are assailable. United with brothers and God, though, they’re protected—ready for anything this world might threaten.